Best Mention alternative for user-friendly media monitoring

Choose Determ for unlimited keywords, real-time mention alerts, and greater access to historical data.

determ dashboard

A smarter choice for SMBs and agencies

More precise searches. New mention notifications. Historical data included.

Determ vs Mention setup & use

More insights, less limits. Compare Determ to Mention.

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Precise searches

You should not be burdened by keyword or character limits to get relevant data. Determ lets you easily search unlimited keywords and combine them with precise filters.

Determ vs Mention search setup

Unlimited mention notifications

For crisis management, you'll need more than Mention's 20 daily mention notifications. Determ notifies you of every new mention or sudden change in mention volume or sentiment.

Determ vs Mention alerts

Historical data included

Analyze three months of data and get up to three years on request. Because insights into trends and patterns over time enable more informed decisions.

Determ vs Mention historical data

Trusted by 4000+ PR and marketing professionals from 107 countries.

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"Determ is user-friendly and super reliable, especially when it comes to detecting potential issues and crises for our clients. We also frequently work with reports, which we send our clients weekly or monthly, depending on their needs. As an agency, we appreciate the tool's flexibility and team reactivity."

"Determ saves us time, points us to a problem we must solve, or shows us new opportunities on social media. The best thing is competitor monitoring which used to take up much of our time. This is one of the most useful monitoring tools on the market."

"Numerous times, something happened, and we were the last to know. Now, we're timely informed of everything. We check Determ every day, and if something important occurs, we automatically get an alert and can react immediately."


Other companies chose Determ over Mention

Determ offers more historical data, unlimited alerts and keywords, and outstanding customer support. Make the smart choice for your business today.

G2 Star rating Determ Mention
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